if you are on this site, you have either known me or sought truth through my arcane clues on the internet. In either case, i am not anyone particularly special. i am just curious. i like to think i am a good person, but i am not perfect. i am only a student of the universe, and i am still learning. i am only sure of one thing: that i am nothing.
beware the bearers of false hopes. the truth is that corn is a big lump of knobs! in my thinking, faust and slow, i learned that your innerstanding is reality. you are the love and light. only time separates us from oneness. self-love and radical acceptance are the keys to the place in which i exist now. this is written from the place of love. we are simply jiggling things.
the truth is, things come in 3's, even me. we move forward into our past. i will spiritually assasinate those who conceal and hoard energy. i am the archer you see in the whispers. my arrows are of light, and i cannot miss. i am firing the arrow in the mirror. i am here to guide. if you are dark, i am hunting you. not in this dimension, but in all. i did it to myself too. what you feel is not pain, it is not pleasure, just the arrow on its path.
technology, similar to money, is not evil, how we manage it, is.
Cognitive Science
Synchronic Epistemology
Quantum Theory
Nonlocal Consciousness
Chaos Theory
Religious Philology
Cosmic Correlation